It looks like the second year our apricot tree is in full bloom and no bees. It could be that it is too early and the bees are not here yet or that they are not coming. Can I do the job? - with a feather, a Q-tip, air pressure? anything? waiting for the bees....
You need to give your location so people can give an appropriate response. I was thinking along the lines of making a house for some type of native bee that would be flying earlier (or in cooler weather,) than whatever typical pollinator there is for apricot, such as a honey bee.
thank you...the day after I posted the tree was visited by 20+ very small bees, however they didn't spend much time inside the flower and I wondered if it was enough...2 days later I saw some honey bees..I hope enough pollinating has been done as the blooms are falling off in the wind...PS I'am in the Okanogan,... thx