I have recently purchased this plant and have found these very tiny flies that seem to be all over the soil. I used a sray I have for spidermites however they remain. The plant does not seem to be effected by these critters however we are now finding them in the kitchen from time to time. Any ideas how to extricate the flies without hurting the plant?
Sounds like fungus gnats. Sticky fly paper. Just unroll a little of it, just enough to set on the soil under the plant. That will take care of a good percentage of them. Granular "indoor plant insecticide" sprinkled on and gently mixed into the top of the soil will eventually take care of the larvae. Let the soil dry out a bit between waterings, as I've found the little critters become active when the soil is wet. This is a common problem with plants in the retail greenhouses this time of year. It is common for their employees to be too generous with the water, encouraging the growth of soil fungi.
The answer is as simple as letting the first 1/2 inch or so of the soil dry before watering. Their eggs are laid on the surface, so if you let that dry, the eggs die and the reproductive cycle is interrupted.