Forgive me for not really know much about this plant - we don't have it in the UK. At work today one of the girls brought down a plant from the garden of our boss. It is bright glossy green and divided into three oval leaflets - two together and one on the top. from the stalk it was about 30cm tall and sprouting from a semi-woody stem. None of us developed a huge irritation to it though we all had mild itchy skin during the day. Thought nothing of this as we were mending fences in a paddock at the time. We are near Kelowna. I know this isn't much to go on but can anyone help. Is there a time when the skin reaction is more pronounced? i.e full sun as in hogweed? Or are we all just hardend women who have tough outer skins through working with horses all day.
Hi Kay, Maybe it is one of the poison ivy look-alikes. The second link shows it in different stages of growth. Newt
Thanx Newt. It definately looks like the radicans picture though I can't say that the veins looked that pronounced. I do know that I feel itchy even though I had minimum contact with the plant. Kay
Kay, you are so very welcome! I hope some of those treatments help with the itching. I've heard that the jewelweed is helpful. Newt