My weeping podocarpus, which I acquired some four months ago is settling in fine in my house and experiencing new growth. It did go through a bout with mealy bugs but repeated applications of horticultural oil seem to be solving that problem. Should I be feeding the plant with anything at this time. If not, when? Thanks Barrie
Since it s the fall and most plants will not be growing very much over the course of the winter i would only fertillize it once a month or so and at a more diluted rate. This way it will get enough food forthe winter and it won't build up to many harmfull salts in the soil either, since the plant wouldn't be useing that much fertillizer.
Oh and only use a fertillizer with readily available nitrogen in the winter, a 20-20-20 fert has to go through the process of creating its own nitrogen from urea and when there isnt enough sunlight or the plants isn't growing enough it will only turn into a nitrite and that isnt good for your podocarpus, or any other plant. So make sure that the nitrogen available in the fert doesn't come from urea, it should already be a nitrate. Hope this helps and if you have more questions let me know.
James D. Thnks very much for the response. Do you have any suggestions as to a brand and/or formulation that would be appropriate? Barrie
I have no specific company that I use, just make sure to look at the available nutirents on the back and make sure it is not urea based nitrogen. You should be looking for one that has ammonia nitrate or just nitrate and as for rates usually a good 10-15-10 is alright.
Shultz liquid fertilizer is great .. i used it all the time till i went to useing water from my fish tanks .. I dont use any chemicals in my tank.. here is a lil info on when to fertilize this plant .. MArn