Plum trees with unwanted guests

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by SkunkCabbage, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. SkunkCabbage

    SkunkCabbage Member

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    Hi all, Our beloved plum trees have been taking on some nasty boring insects. They make small holes, leaving a bit of sawdust on the outside. Now, the bark is starting to "tear" and weep sap where they've done their evil deeds. The trees are still incredibly productive, but something an arborist mentioned to me has been festering in my mind for the last couple of years. He said the fact that they are very productive could just be a sign of distress. Arghh, I cannot lose these trees as they are the very heart and soul of our backyard.
    Does anyone recognize a possible perp for these crimes? And solutions? Thanks so much!

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Cherry bark tortrix is supposed to have become prevalent up there. The picture on the right looks like the trunk of a flowering plum that I saw killed by this insect some years ago, in Seattle.
  3. SkunkCabbage

    SkunkCabbage Member

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    Thanks Ron, You're right, that does look similiar. Looked up the tortrix on the WSU Orchard Pest Management Online, and while I was there searched a little deeper. The "peachtree borer" also sounds like another possiblity. That one seems to attack around ground level, while my guests seem to not be afraid of being higher up ( 2 or 3 feet ). Unfortunately, seems like both are tricky to fight. At least it's a start! Thanks, Daniel

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