Identification: Plum Tree Identification

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by mdrose, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. mdrose

    mdrose Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    I am hoping someone can help me identify a large plum tree growing on our property in South Surrey, BC. This tree was started from a pit dropped by a squirrel or bird and was growing in the middle of a Japanese Snowball tree. We did not realize it was a separate tree until it was a good size and began producing fruit. It has since taken over the Snowball tree, which had to be removed this year, and it is now easily over 20 feet tall. The leaves are dark green and the branches have very long (2-3") spikey thorns. The fruit, which ripens around the first week in August, is rosey pink with amber coloured flesh that is attached to the pit. It is juicy and sweet other than the skin which is very sour.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Probably Prunus cerasifera. Hybrids occur also.

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