According to the website, the description of the distinctive feature of the Lebanon cedar is how the mature trunks sometimes separate into several different ones. The other true cedars are mainly one trunk. Recently, I found a few true cedars are muti-trunks but those look like Deodar cedars. Please give a thouht. Thanks. the first row is one tree and the second row is another.
The number of trunks depends on how it started life, not on the species - all cedars can be single-trunk, all can be multi-trunk. They are more likely to develop a single trunk if grown among other trees, more likely to develop multi-stem habit if grown in the open away from shade and shelter. Multi-trunk habit can also indicate a history of damage to the main stem. The best way to identify is needle length; short = Lebanon Cedar, longer = Deodar Cedar. Yours are long, so you have a Deodar Cedar.