Identification: Please identify plum tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Naturegirl, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Naturegirl

    Naturegirl Active Member

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    Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
    This tree has white flowers and the fruit has yellow flesh. Plums are small but sweet and tangy. What is it?

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    There are many kinds, including hybrid types. However, both green- and purple-leaved Prunus cerasifera forms are prevalent here -yours has the general appearance of one of these. The green ones are often planted as root-stocks for the purple, generate suckers and get going on their own, produce their own flowers and fruits. Any examples not known to be intentionally planted may be spontaneous seedlings without cultivar names - even the purple ones come up on their own, here and there. And some people grow their own purple plums from pits, plant them out. Most of the time these also will never have been put into commerce, sold using cultivar or marketing names.

    Pure non-hybrid cherry plums can be identified at flowering time by them having sepals that bend backward (reflex) after a time. If yours doesn't do that another kind of plum is involved in its parentage.
  3. Naturegirl

    Naturegirl Active Member

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    Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
    Thanks, Ron. You are truly a font of information and very generous with your time and knowledge. It is appreciated.

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