Hi folks, We take possession of this property pretty soon and this nice tree is in the front yard. I'm not quite sure what it is and neither does the current owner. Can someone help me out? My best guess is a Pine of some sort? Thank you. Sorry I could not take more and better pictures, had to snap this one from the car window. Sean
Thank you Ron. I've never heard of that type before. I'll check it out and try and find out more about it. Regards, Sean
Very commonly planted eventual landmark specimen liable to overwhelm your lot in time - already it is making the house behind look small. Like most conifers in a garden setting much more handsome and impressive with branches all the way to the bottom. Same as with Christmas trees.
Thanks again. I'll keep an eye on it and try to let it grow out down below if it will. It's a great looking tree and the only one on the property that size.
Seems a rather negative viewpoint to take about a very nice tree! Good for the tree if it makes a house look small ;-)
Hi Michael, I did some reading on them and they can grow quite tall. I'll take a good look at it when we take possession and maybe bring back some shape to it. Cheers, Sean