This is a treasured specimen at our fenceline, and is planted beside some Austrian Pines as well as Fir.
Possibly Pinus taeda, but I'd like to see some cones to be sure. Higher resolution photos would also help!
...not to mention a better camera (on my wish list). Batteries are recharging, will get new pics up soon.
Come to think of it, Pinus taeda is very unlikely in zone 4 . . . the obvious zone 4 hardy 3-needle pine is Pinus ponderosa, but it doesn't look right for that. I'll await the new photos before trying further.
new photos (pine on left is an Austrian, pine on right is the mystery). Cones were too high up to get a shot. This is the best resolution my poor camera can do.
Thanks! Pinus ponderosa it is. The one on the left is actually a Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), not Austrian (P. nigra).
Isn't that odd (re Scots/Austrian). We bought 60 "Austrian" pines from a wholesale nursery to plant at the fenceline. Twenty+ years later they're ID'd as Scots! My favourite is that gorgeous 3-needle pine, now I've learned it's a Ponderosa. Its needles glisten in the faintest breeze. Thanks again, Michael, for your help.