We had to remove our large (over 100 ft tall) hemlocks and cedars lining our driveway and now we have some sun! We would like to plant 3 dwarf apple trees and would like suggestions for those that will be pollination companions, produce early, crisp and sweet apples, are disease resistant, and can tolerate our N Van climate...Any suggestions of a good trio?? Any suggestions where to purchase them? Thanks!
Thanks Ron. Sadly I am not sure I will be able to attend the UBC apple festival this year. I also know that this event is usually very very busy. I am hoping to have some trios in-mind that I can purchase either at the apple festival or otherwise.
I'mm not sure if you will still be monitoring your request but . . . it is a complicated request with five factors to consider: early? crisp and sweet? disease resistant? Pacific North West? and appropriate pollinators? One of your best resources will be the online site www.orangepippin.com. For more local assistance, try googling BC Fruit Testers. They have a list of apple trees they recommend for this area and they have another list in the same document that lists disease resistant varieties.