Please help with my sick maple

Discussion in 'Maples' started by ectomorph, Dec 25, 2006.

  1. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    Hello all,

    I have spent count less hours searching the Internet trying to figure out what is going on with my Japanese Maple bonsai tree. First let me give a little back ground on this tree. I purchased the tree about 4 months ago over the Internet. When I received it, due to some shipping issues, it had VERY dry soil and the pot had been completely broken. So unfortunately after most likely already being in shock from lack of water & light, then being man handled through the shipping process I was forced to re-pot this poor tree. I did the typical bonsai re-pot cutting away much of the roots and re-potting into another shallow pot of roughly the same size as the original. The tree of course dropped all it's leaves and started to look pretty rough. After much care the tree took a excellent turn and really started to look BEAUTIFUL!! I was very pleased with this tree, after all a 25 year old Japanese maple bonsai is a very impressive plant to begin with. Any how things were looking great and all of the sudden the tree started to have brown spots appear on the leaves and the tree took a sharp turn for the worse. This is when I started looking for answers and have had a really hard time trying to find someone else with the same problem. I keep the tree indoors in a mostly shaded part of the house that only get late afternoon direct sunlight. I water as needed not ever letting the soil dry out all the way. I took a couple of the leaves to a nursery near my home and they suggested using a fungicide, so I purchased some "HI-YIELD Consan 20" fungicide and have given two dosages with no change. I should also note that right now the roughly 75% of the tree has new buds that just started to come in. I have some photos that I have attached and would REALLY APPRECIATE ANY help I can get on this!!! PLEASE let me know if anyone has any ideas? Thanks in advance!!!
  2. schusch

    schusch Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    When you say you keep the tree indoors, do you mean now, in winter, or since you've had it? Maples are not indoor trees, bonsai or not, and even in winter they would need to be kept pretty cool - like in an unheated garage, for instance. it's not going to make it indoors.
    Hope your tree pulls through.
  3. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    Yes, it must be outside as it needs cold winter dormancy (apart from light and air and rain water). BTW, you said you found it in bad shape, but aside from the broken pot, it might not have been the wrong place for it - Japanese maples prefer light shade and quite dry soil, and you may just be trying to baby it like a hothouse tropical which it won't appreciate.
  4. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    First of all THANK YOU very much for your replies!!! As for the indoor outdoor situation, I do understand that this kind of tree needs a dormancy period and I remember reading that I would be able to get away with waiting until next winter to let it go through this cycle. Was I incorrectly informed? I also remember reading to not expose it to temps of 10 degrees below? So I guess I need to put it outside? It is winter here where I am so does that make a difference or should I still just put it outside? Thanks again!
  5. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    more pics........

    Attached Files:

  6. schusch

    schusch Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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  7. ashizuru

    ashizuru Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Spalding UK
    As schusch & Rima, have said Japanese maples will not succeed in doors, looking at your jpegs your maple looks pretty sick, and need some restorative attention.

    Myself, I would slowly introduce it to outside conditions, say 1/2 an hour a day, keep the the soil just moist, I guess the temperature in Chicago is pretty cold this time of year, I've looked at the reading today its 3-4 C, that will not harm your tree, if it stays around that mark, if it gets any colder, wrap the pot 'only' in bubble,making sure to cover the roots well.

    By increasing its time outside each day, it should acclimatise the tree to outside conditions safely, with out undue shock, also try to find a spot, which out of the wind, and maybe gets a little sun. If the temperature really plunges, put it in a garage, or out house, please monitor it regulary.You should look for nice plump buds as a sign of good health, in a dormant maple, no white die back twigs!

    Once spring is on the way maybe a little superthive in your first real watering would be beneficial.

    I hope your tree makes it!

  8. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    Hello ashizuru,

    You had mentioned "no white die back twigs" I did a search on this site for exactly what that is and it did not come up with much of an explanation on what this is? Could you possibly go into a little more detail on what this is as I am new to maples and have not ran across this term yet. I thank you again for all your help!!
  9. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    Also I might add that I am on the out skirts of St. Louis so the temp is not as bad as in the Chicago area. Right now it is low 40'sF and does not look to get brutally cold anytime soon. I will move the tree outside on the deck where it will only have direct sunlight in the late afternoons and will be protected form wind. With the temps being as mild as they are is there a need to ease the transition to outside with only moving it out a little at a time? or could I just put it out there all the time now withe the temps being the low 40's and are not supposed to go below freezing until early next week sometime? Please let me know what you think? Thanks again!
  10. ashizuru

    ashizuru Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Spalding UK

    I would recommend you give it a week of the progressive outings, then if all the foliage has fallen, and if the temperatures are ok, by all means leave it on your deck.

    With regard to the 'white twigs' these are growths that grow on into late autumn, and do not harden off before the onset of colder weather, they cannot take the colder temperatures and die back, and in most cases turn white, they should be pruned out in the spring.

    I would add, in the early spring, when the buds start to swell, take the tree out of its pot and check the roots, if you have nice fine white roots your tree has made it, prune out any black roots you come across, or thick roots running around the inside of the pot, this type of root is not condusive to good Bonsai cultivation, we need to encourage the fine root system.

    I wish you luck with your tree,


  11. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    Thanks again for your help! I do not see any of the "white twigs" so I should be set in that department. One more thing to add, the tree right now has some buds coming in on branches that are newer looking and a little bit green, other branches had no green on them and have zero buds on them, are these branches dead? if so should these be pruned off to help other live branches? One of the exposed roots appears to be completely rotten as it is dried out and falling apart, should this be removed? There are pics below showing what I am trying to describe...

    One more quick question, the pics I posted above show a whitish color on the exposed roots, is this fungus? and if so what should I do to treat it? below are more close up pics of what I am describing. Thank you again!!!!

    Attached Files:

  12. ashizuru

    ashizuru Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Spalding UK

    Yes as I originally mentioned you have real sick plant, I would imagine that the plant has been seriously over watered, and if you say the major roots are rotten, you are in danger of loosing it.The white moulds look like a fugal attack, I would cut out all the affected rotten roots and suggest spraying the tree with a systemic fungicide such as Benomyl, if you are not up on these remedial remedies, I would ask at your local garden centre,or bonsai club.

    I would leave the branches with no buds till spring, just to see what developes, if nothing appears by then by all means prune them out, back to sound wood, and if possible an outward facing bud.

    Japanese Maples grown as Bonsai, like to be kept on the dry side at all times.

    When the spring comes, when the buds start to swell, I recommend you take it out of the pot, wash the roots thoroughly, and repot it in a fresh bonsai soil mix, I grow my Japanese Maples in Akadama, which is a Japanese product consisting of baked clay granules, by using these, you greatly reduce the probability of over watering, as the granules only hold so much water, the rest flows out of the pot, leaving the root system access to air, so vital in root health.Ask at your garden centre or bonsai club or look on line for the granules.

    So my friend, I think we have covered the more salient points, of your problems. I wish you luck, and hope you save your tree.

  13. ectomorph

    ectomorph Member

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    Belleville Illinois USA
    Thank you very much Ashizuru!!! I have removed all of the exposed roots that looked to be rotten or have white on them as well as the moss that I had as a cosmetic feature thinking that would be a perfect environment for mold & fungi to grow in. Also have moved it out side the past 2 days only bringing it in right before I go to sleep and when I wake back up put it back out that way it is not outside during the coldest parts of the night. Im going to get the fungicide tonight so hopefully the tree will pull through! Thanks again for all your help!!!!!

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