Hi all I bought a new maidenhair fern from a garden centre. It has white transparent spots on some the leaves. I'm worried it might be scale or mites I've attached photos Any advice is much appreciated
Could the spots be from droplets of watering containing fertilizer that have dried? Do they wipe off with a damp cloth?
Thank you so much Junglekeeper. The spots did indeed wipe off with a damp cloth. You saved me so much trouble and worry I think it was when I missed the plant. I live in a hard water area. I did boil the water and leave for 24 hours before using Would you advise I stop misting it cos of the white marks? Apparently this plant likes to be misted Thank you again. I really appreciate your help
Misting is ineffective in raising the humidity unless it's done continually. Could the plant be placed inside an enclosure where the humidity can be controlled? Rainwater may be an alternative if you wish to continue misting.
I do it have it on a humidity tray and surrounded by other plants to help humidity Rainwater is a good idea. It rains a lot here in the uk but just not now in summer Do you think the distilled tap water would be okay for misting for the time being? Or are the White marks bad for the plant With regard to continual misting; I do it every other day on this plant
This helps. Is it not good enough? (No need to look for a problem where one does not exist.) The benefit of misting would be minimal at best if you do it only once a day. The moisture generated would quickly be absorbed by the surrounding air. You might try putting the plant in a spot behind a bright window in a bathroom/washroom, if one is available. Yes, you could use distilled water.
Thanks for your advice Perhaps the humidity tray will be enough A lot of places say to mist so I thought I need to do it I'll see how it goes without misting as the plant seems okay at the moment but it is newly bought All the best , much appreciated