Dear All, who knows, please, help to identify a plant (see a picture). Please, if you know, write how to care about it. Thanks a lot in advance, Lana
It looks like you have it near a heater/air conditioner blower. It looks like this "draft" has caused it to only have leaves on half of the plant. It needs high sun (south or west facing window) and moderate watering. Only water once the top inch or two of soil are dry. You can cut off all dead branches any time of year, and these guys love to be pruned (given a hair cut.) How long have you had it?
LaticaudaI asked a good question. If you have only had your ficus a few weeks, or a few months, they are known to drop leaves when moved from one light source to another. Kinda cranky and tempermental until it's become adjusted. In the warmer months, they like semi moist soil, in the winter, they can pretty much dry between waterings.I just started keeping mine a little more moist. Once you find a nice bright spot, don't move it anywhere else. You can turn it weekly without any problems for even growth. Cut off anything dry/dead back to a healthy growing point.
THank you for the answer! I have it for 3 months, my friend gave it to me. I put it next to a window just 5 days ago. I watering it enougth, because a water is staying below any time I move the tree. i even was thinking that I put too much of water. I am worring about it, because it always loosing a leaves, they become to be dry every day. Looks like itis dying. I like the tree a lot, dont want to loose it. Please, tell me everythig you know about it. THanks for your help! Lana
Your tree can lose leaves on and off for months at a time, some leaves green, some yellow, but you should see new ones coming in at the same time.Trimming your tree of dead material will help stimulate new growth.
Lana, I'm not sure, but if I understand what you're describing, then you are over-watering. You need to make sure that the pot is able to drain freely when you water it, and never be let to sit in standing water for more than 10-15 minutes. Anything more than that, and you have a higher probability of developing root rot.
saltdedar was correct, it is Ficus benjamina. Common name is weeping fig or Benjamine's fig. See....
Oh, thanks a lot! I did not get that last time, I just got in this website and thought he answered to another person :) THank you very much for your help! Have a great time, Lana
they love humidity a mist from a spray bottle a day and it will thank you for it, also helps to have a humidifier in the room if you have one.
Actually, many houseplants will adjust to low humidity such as the ficus without doing anything extra. Believe it or not, even Boston ferns don't need any extra humidity to thrive and look good, as long as they are watered correctly and receive the right light. It's change of light, too much water, or not enough that can cause problems.