My Dracaena Marginata is either dead or dying I want to revive it but I’m not sure how as I am new to all this please help any answers will help I also suspect a mealy big infestation which probably damaged it and the pot has no drainage which I didn’t know it needed before all this my cat also chewed all the remaining leaves off but I think it still has life to it help
It sounds like you know what you need to do: Train the cat, or get it a plant it likes better. Repot the plant to a pot that has drainage. Feel how heavy it is after you water it and water has stopped coming out the bottom. Don't water again it until it is lighter. Cut off everything that is totally dead. Cut back the stalks that are not totally dead. With so little of the plant left, you can wipe off everything with a wet rag every few days for a few weeks to get rid of new mealy bugs. Good luck. It looks pretty hopeful with that new growth showing.
Thank you so much!!! Very helpful!! I noticed before all this happened I don’t think it liked the spot I had it should I move it more towards the window or leave it where it is while it recuperates?