Please Help - My Key Lime Tree Lost Its Leaves

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Kberri, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Kberri

    Kberri Member

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    United States
    Please help. I have a six year old potted key lime tree. During the winter months we keep it indoors under grow lights. All was well, and the tree grew many blooms this year. However, I watered it last night, as I do ever 10 days. By the morning, a significant portion of green leaves had fallen and many others turned yellow. If you brush by the tree too quickly, dozens more leaves immediately fall off. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    I would suspect overwatering causing root rot, especially if you have not repotted in some time with a fast draining media. All potting soil degrades and compacts over time causing it to hold more and more water and less and less air--result is root rot. You can check the roots by sliding the tree out of the container, healthy roots should be a creamy white and firm, rotting roots will be brown and soft. If brown and soft, trim them off to healthy root, repot in a coarse media such as 4 parts pine bark: 1 part peat moss or potting soil. You can also search this forum for info on CHC potting media-- it will last longer, but requires preparation.

    If you have significant root damage you may need to remove some of the top to help balance the tree.

    One last thing-- watering on a schedule is a recipe for disaster-- water only when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry--that will be much less often in winter than in summer.

  3. Kberri

    Kberri Member

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    United States
    Thank you for your advice. May I please ask one more question. If it is a root problem due to watering, would it be best to repot now, when the tree might be in shock, or wait a couple of days?

    Thank you.
  4. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    If the soil is compacted and roots are already starting to get root rot (phytophythora), then repotting in new media after removing the affected roots is the best and quickest path to recovery. Your trees roots need air---waiting won't help.


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