Please help my JM..!

Discussion in 'Maples' started by hanl, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. hanl

    hanl Active Member

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    Layton, Ut
    Hi all,
    I have planted 5 Japanese maple trees on my back yard last year. I was very happy that they can pass our last toughest Winter. They are very healthy and growing so beautiful during Sping time, until one day....
    Last month (May) I have fertilized them a little bit, and put some munch on them. Then, the weather suddently changed to be cold for couple days.
    Now I have 2 Sangu KanKu maple tree look so terrible, all the leave look like frozen up and start falling down when the other three (Onishi Beni, Orinado Nishiki, Blood Good) still o.kay. Now I am on the deperated state and don't know what to do to save them.
    Any body, please help me out...! :(.

    By the way, my friend have a Pacific Sunset Maple, but we think he has overfertilized it when he planted it, now the leaves start turning yellow after 3 weeks. "WHAT SHOULD WE DO if we overfertized the tree?!"

    Thanks a million for your advise!
  2. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Hanl whic type fertilize you have used?liquid, solid ,natural chimical?please reply for correct advice ;for Sango Kaku see the conditions after two weeks probabily that the maple" re life"...alex
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2007
  3. hanl

    hanl Active Member

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    Layton, Ut
    I have mixed manure and all purpose fertilize (green power-normally good for flowers) with pot soil.
    Do you think because the wether have changed too cold suddendly? or did I overfertilized them?
  4. mattlwfowler

    mattlwfowler Active Member Maple Society

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    South Carolina, USA
    Well if you got hit with the same freeze that most of everyone else did (back in May), then you are lucky to have the trees alive. I know several people in my area that lost small trees, and some larger JMs were killed down to the ground. I'm curious as to whether or not the trees have put out new growth or not. If it has, it will probably be fine although some of mine continued dying back some after leafing out. If it hasn't done anything, I doubt your trees will make it.

    About the should really always use slow release fertilizers for most trees and shrubs such as osmocote or some type of capsulated fertilizer. If it has been overfertilized, which is a possibility, you need to try and dilute it with lots of water. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the plant, rinse throroughly with water, replace a portion of the soil with the fertilizer, and then replant in less rich soil.

    There is also the possibility that overwatering may be hurting it. You probably want to make sure there is good drainage. If there isn't good drainage and the soil remains soggy, the tree will probably not survive.
  5. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    for over fertilize the advice of Matt are correct,for fertilizer I use Nitroposka "blu special" COMPO is good for maple,have every elements ,is granular and easy to use,one time for year.
  6. sgtmama

    sgtmama Member

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    Marthasville, Missouri USA
    I have a Bloodgood Japanese Maple that is about 15 feet tall that did the same thing after the cold snap. Leaves wilted and fell off. I now have leaves coming back, but not all the way to the end of the branches which are aparently dead. I have been advised to rub off any new leaves that come out on the trunk, cut off dead branches, and PRAY! I have been watering once a week as well since it has been fairly dry here.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2007
  7. hanl

    hanl Active Member

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    Layton, Ut
    Thanks for your response guys!
    After 2 weeks of observation, I think all two of my Coral Bark have gone away. All the branches are very easy to snap off.

    About my Osakazuki overfertilized, I have followed your instructions, moved it to a different pot which less rich soil, after rinse the root for a while. I will you guys a status of it later. Hopefully, it will survive. :(

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