Hello everybody! I'm new here and I would like to know if somebody can help me to identify my palm. Could be a Howea (kentia), Areca, Ravenea, Chamaedorea, etc.? It's sick now, I'm treating it, because the end of its leaves has become drying and brown, and I've cut them up. I think the problem was overwatering. I'm leaving dry the soil. Who has had the same problems? and what can I do for helping her? I'm attaching some pictures. Thanks a lot.
I would think its a Kentia (Howia) suffering from fluoride or low humidity or both. It also looks to be planted a little too deeply. HTH Chris
Thanks for replying me Saltcedar. I already put stones in the saucer with some water. It will help to keep it humid. Also I'm misting the leaves and the soil. I moved it close to the window, withouth direct sunligth.The soil seems drying, but I think still wet at the bottom, because the pot is heavy when I lift it. Should I change the soil? I don't know what more do. I trimmed the end of the leaves but the browning on them continue. I took another pic to see much better the trunks. I will wait for more suggestions, I relly want to know what kind of palm it is. It will helping me to give it better cares.
If it were my palm I'd remove the loose soil on top then pull it out of the pot and smell the soil. If it's rank, remove as much as possible and use fresh soil. If you have fluoride from city water then that's probably a good idea anyway. Also some soils break down into an airless mucky mass and should be replaced. Next I'd let it spend the Summer in the shade outdoors and let rain leach out any fertilizer salts or fluoride in the remaining soil. Water only with rain or DI water if you suspect chemicals in your water. http://www.msnla.org/tranning/interior plnats.htm HTH Chris