It looks a bit fake to me, but I could be wrong. I suspect the foliage doesn't match the flowers. The flowers remind me of a Protea, but it is very difficult to say.
looks like a flower arrangement..... Maybe it's a pony tail or grass tree (Xanthorrhoea sp.) with some kind of protea arranged around it.... what movie is it from?
Leucospermum, member (genus) of Proteaceae, often called Pincushion, South African, also grown in NZ, Aus, Calif, Hawaii etc. Some Banksias (Australian genus of Proteaceae) also can look like a "pincushion"
Re: looks like a flower arrangement..... I know this is a few years later :) but the name of the movie is Blade (the first one of the trilogy). The "flower" is shown twice throughout the movie.