It seems to be in a bad way leaves turning from a lush green to fading and falling off, took a closer look and the roots were infested with lots of little black flies. so I washed the roots, new pot and re planted her, but she doesnt seem any better, anyone identify it for me please so I can treat her Thanks
Many Thanks, appreciate your time. Any ideas as to why its leaves may be turning to a lighter shade as can be seen in the picture ?? longshot question I know !! Regards
At first I thought the lightness may be a sign of a nutrient deficiency but then the leaf in the middle of the first picture with the abrupt change in color leads me to believe it may be the result of exposure to strong sunlight. The second picture reinforces this since only the topmost leaves show this symptom. I believe this plant prefers a moist soil which would explain the presense of fungus gnats ('black flies'). They normally don't cause trouble unless there's a heavy infestation. Do a search on this plant in these forums as there are many posts on it. You may find something useful. Good luck.