Identification: Please Help Me Identify My Palms!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by miss.maura, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. miss.maura

    miss.maura Member

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    San Francisco
    I got this palm as a gift from my mom and I have had it almost 3 years. It has 5 big stalks and reaches about 6 ft tall. It has always been really healthy with dark green plentiful leaves. I recently moved and the leaves have gotten much lighter, turned yellow then brown then fall out. I love this plant and I want to help it get better! If you have any info or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it :)

    The taller skinny one I saved from a street corner. It was barely alive, and has gotten much healthier but again since I moved it has been yellowing. I also have not been able get it to sprout any new growth, besides new leaves, and if there is any information on that I would be really happy. Thanks alot

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  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    It's not a palm, but a Dracaena, possibly Dracaena marginata, often called a dragon tree if you see red along the edges.A lot of the times stems sold three to a pot.
    Dracaena do well in bright indirect light. Direct sun can burn the leaves. Let the soil pretty much dry between watering. It's natural for the bottom leaves to fall as it grows.
    You can cut it back (I'd do that in the spring) and new leaves will grow from near the cut area's and plant at least a 6" section of the cut stem back into the same pot, or one of it's own for another plant.
    You might also want to check carefully for any pest if one was outside.
  3. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    Yes definitely D. marginata. When was the last time you fertilized it? I live in Australia where the sun is pretty harsh and I have mine in full sun and the leaves don't get burnt, but thats how the plant started (in full sun). Bluewing is right you can propagate them by cuttings but yeah, spring or summer, for you guys up there. You can get variegated pink and variegated white.


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