I have three very beautiful pentas that were thriving. They were dormant over the winter months (I live in S. FL) and in the spring I trimmed them up, thinking I was doing them some good. I think in retrospect that I hurt them instead. They have a bit of healthy new growth on them, but the whole stem of all three of the plants look as though they are dying. They are turning a mottled brown, and half of each plant (mostly where I trimmed them) have completely died off. Any suggestions on how to get them healthy again? I'll post some pictures as soon as my computer gets out of the 'shop'. thank you. me.
Doesn't seem to be any problem with having cut them back - some sites suggest it to make a more compact shape and increase flowering. How old were the plants?
I just bought them in the fall, and they were so pretty it breaks my heart to see them the way they are now.
I'm a bit surprised. They are generally easy to grow, as is Panama Rose Rondeletia splendens. Winter was pretty warm, so they should be reviving nicely. On the plus side, replacements are cheap!