This plant is about 3 years old. When we first bought it it had a really beautiful flower on it, but it fell off almost as soon as we brought it home. It's never flowered again, but has gotten much bigger. Any idea what it is? Thanks for the help.
Thanks for responding. I don't think it's a Dracenea, it doesn't have any stripes on it. And I don't think it's a Tillandsia Sp because, aren't those ones that grow without needing any soil? Air plants? This one has always been in dirt and seems to like lots of water. I have no idea what it is, but it flowered once and I'd like it to do it again. It sits near a window that gets morning bright light. Thanks again for all the help!
I can't be too sure but it does kinda looks like a thin-leaved variety of Bromeliad. So it could be Tillandsia fasciculata.
Thanks for responding. Yes, the flower was a brightly colored spikey flower. It was so long ago, but I think it was a bright pink or purple. I have it in dirt, and water it alot. Should I take it out?
As far as watering is concerned mainly it wants the "tanks" at the bases of its leaves kept full. I wouldn't worry about the potting soil, if it has been growing in it for awhile apparently it is a suitable mix.