Please help identify: wine with little white flower which produce drops

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Reef, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. Reef

    Reef Member

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    London Uk
    Hello everyone!

    I am new here and I joined as I need some help with something and after reading around on the web I decided you guys would probably be the most able to help me. I have been googling and searching forums for similar key words as my title, with no success.

    The plant I am looking for is a vine-like plant which stretches and hangs on to things. It had quite a sturdy stem if I remember correctly and it grew little white flowers which almost daily would fill up with tiny drops of a sweet liquid.

    My mum used to have this plant when I was very little but I remember ever now and then she would let us eat the drops, they were very sweet. Some days the plant would produce so many drops that the whole curtain would be covered in them.

    It was quite cold resistant as although it was indoors, it was hanging by a window and we were living in a cold eastern European country at the time.

    She didn't let us eat them often as she was worried whether its healthy. She doesn't know much about the plant herself. In fact she seems to remember it less than I do. Thd only reason it probably stuck in my head is because of the excitement of eating s few drop.

    I would really appreciate if anyone could help me In any way possible. Even if you know something similar. The flowers don't necessarily have to be white, for exple. I need a hanging plant and if would be amazing if I could find this one, or seething similar. I know I am providing almost no detail like leaf shape, etc. But this really is all I remember about it as this was roughly 17 years ago I couldn't have been older than 7 at the time...

    Thank you.
  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
  3. mrsubjunctive

    mrsubjunctive Active Member

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    Iowa, United States
    Yeah, Hoya carnosa was my first thought too, though there are other Hoya species that might also work.

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