Hi There, I have been trying to get rid of some weeds from my lawn for a few years. I have never used any chemicals before, but am having trouble keeping up with them manually. I took a picture of the ones that are popping up everywhere. If someone can help me identify them, I am sure i'll be able to find a solution to ridding my lawn of them! Thank you so much!
Can't tell much from the photo, but if it is the roundish leaved one, a wild guess would be Dichondra.
Read up on lawns somewhere, or tune into a lawn forum. This isn't a weed management problem but a lawn management problem. My guess is that you should be paying attention to overseeding the places where you pull up the weeds, as you create dirt patches and expose new weed seeds to light, allowing them to germinate. If you seed over with grass seed, the weed seeds should be suppressed.
Thanks for the replies! I googled dichondra and it appears to be some sort of sub species of what I am finding pictures of. I didn't think about pulling up the weeds and leaving a bare spot - but it explains the problem that I am having. It seems like the more weeds I pull out, the more I have to pull out later on. I am definitely going to do some more reading on that. Think I will buy some lawn seed and look after the problem properly. Not a full fledged green-thumb yet - but I'm trying!