Since this is my first post bear with me lol. The tree in my front yard since it was planted has had this white fungus like blotches from the trunk to the top of the tree. The bark also has cracked over most of the tree some of the bark has like a white colored silk behind it . the leafs have already started to look like there dieing . And was tall and skinny since planted, furthermore at this point I think if we get a good wind storm it will break the top of the tree off. I phoned the city who owns the tree last year and asked to speak to the city arborist . He phoned me back a few days later and said to water the tree . I have been watering the tree, then hung up. So if someone could tell me whats wrong with it I will be contacting the mayor of are city and ask for her lordship to help this tree out .
The lichens on the trunk are harmless, the leaf blotch is one of multiple such conditions dogwoods are prone to. But the poor leaf color and dead branches quite likely indicate something about the rooting environment is not right at all, maybe too wet. Specimen is also too small to have the grass coming right up to the trunk, for some years it should have a mulched, grass-free area probably at least 1m across.
I agree that the lichens are harmless. Otherwise there is a bad canker in the middle of the trunk which has potential to gridle the tree causing death. This, together witch cracked over most of the tree bark and necrotic blotches on the leaves could indicate fungal disease Dogwood Anthracnose.
Thank for the help . Will try to scrape away the grass from around the tree base . And see if the city would come around again and maybe spray some anti fungal.
Hi the other trees on the street , that are the same leaf type are doing much better than my tree, a few have a little leaf disease. the tree trunks are much thicker than mine . All have some bark cracking at the base . And yes they were all planted around the same time except for my neighbors tree that got hit by a car and replaced by the city . I have added 1 more pictures. of the bark cracking further up the tree .