Hi, I've been searching all over the internet for a webpage that would identify this plant for me. I've had it for years and it's miraculously survived my neglect other than the ocassional watering (once every 2ks-1 month). Also, could anyone give me some very general, basic guidelines for an easy way to fertilize the soil?
Eric-that looks like a wandering jew plant. They are very hardy tropical plant used indoors & out. They grow very vigorously outdoors & will spread. You can also take cuttings & root them in water very easily to share. here's a simple plant fertilizer. Feeding/watering houseplants Feed houseplants before noon. Plants can only ingest solid foods during the day. General Foliage Plant Food ¼ tsp. Instant tea ½ T. ammonia ½ T. hydrogen peroxide 1 vitamin tablet w/iron 1 capful bourbon in 1 gal warm water For flowering houseplants use vodka instead of bourbon Use 1 cup to each gal of water used to feed plants Natural Plant food 5 drops liquid fish fertilizer 4 t. instant tea ½ t. liquid dish soap 1 gal warm water use full strength Chemical plant food 4 t. instant tea 1/10 t. 15-30-15 fertilizer ½ t. ammonia ½ t. liquid dish soap 1 gal warm water use full strength Feed plants every time you water Enjoy!
it is a Purple Heart Wandering Jew .. and it looks like it needs more sun .. they will get a deep purple and get fuller with more sun .. and easy to propagate.. Marn
It is Setcreasea purpurea of Commelinaceae family. Visit http://www.gardentia.net/commelina_005.htm for more info.