Hello, About six months ago I was given a cutting of a plant. The original plant was very full, sat on a piano and hung down almost to the ground, and had small pink/purple flowers all over it. I put the cutting in water at home and soon discovered that it did not like being in direct sun-light. Away from direct sun, however, it did beautifully and continued to flower as it grew roots. Since potting the plant and putting it in a well lit spot out of direct sun-light, it is doing very well but it has not flowered. I turn it regularly so it grows upright, otherwise it would turn down like a vine. Would someone kindly help me identify this plant so that I can make sure that I care for it properly. Thank you and regards, Saleve
Well they typically don't flower outdoors in cool weather. Perhaps your home is too cool? It does also look a bit stretched for light, so perhaps a bit of Morning sun would encourage flowering.