more info... It is a fern type of thing and has long vining pieces that have thorns. I did not realize the picture was so bad... sorry!
The plant is Asparagus setaceus, a relatively common and benign indoor plant from southern Africa. It is used as a cut green in floral arrangements and grown as a pot plant. Unfortunately, it has a Mr. Hyde side, being an invasive perennial climber outdoors in warmer areas, such as Florida and Hawaii. See the following links: State of Hawaii Forestry and Wildlife University of Florida Centre for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
After seeing Douglas' post I have researched the plant I thought your sample was and have found the difference (the obvious one to me anyways) is the vining habit or lack of it. Plumosa fern (aka Asparagus plumosus) can be seen here if you wish for reference: