I have a wonderful plant my son gave me, with what I consider heart-shaped leaves that vary from a light green to pale pink color. I have successfully propogated this and before sharing it with anyone, would like to know what it is! (My son bought it without asking) I have never seen it flower, but it does shoot out long trailing vines. Thanks for any help!
Thank you for the quick answer - I have a caladium plant and realized the similarities. But I didn't think this was caladium - the difference between this plant and the caladium I have is that this one "vines" from leaf joints, producing long stems with several leaves on it. I trimmed back these vines and used them for propagation. And, since I was able to propagate from cuttings, I thought that was another sign that this wasn't caladium since it is grown from bulbs or corms. Mourningdove
I'm going to have to go with Ron on this one and suggest you look into Syngonium. I posted a pic of a similar plant and it was unanimously ID'd by this community as an arrowhead vine. Yours is a little more 'viney' than mine, but I'm sure it is at least in the same family.