Hi, God Bless you, We picked up this plant from the neighbor who told us that it is 14 years old. An interesting note is that since I started playing the Holy Quran next to it, two new large leaves have grown from the top of the plant and several other leaves from the soil (different types of leaves from the soil than from the trunk). I have heard that good vibrations and love help plants grow, so I say Alhamdullillah (Praise be to Allah). Please help identify my plant, thank you.
You have a lovely Philodendron---bipinnatifidum/selloum, I think. You will also have a more precise ID when our aroid experts get a look at it. Here is excellent information on how to grow: http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Philodendron bipinnatifidum pc.html Welcome to the Forum!
In the Name of God, Thank you very much, that page was very informative. It's fascinating that Philodendron bipinnatifidum is a tree climber, as you can see we've been holding ours up with a chair. The plant is in a place where it doesn't get much sunlight. We water it intermittently a few times a week. God willing, the conditions are good for it. How often should I water it?
Third for P. bipinnatifidum. Water it when the soil is dry to the depth of your second knuckle, when you stick a finger in the pot. If you can build it some sort of trellis or totem to grow on, it will reward you with quite a bit more new growth and possibly also lateral branching.