I was out and about and found a little stand of plants well the lady had a bunch of cacti as well they were very little but nice so I bought four of them and when I asked for the names of them, the lady had no idea any of the names! I have some pictures of them, but i'm not sure how to get them on the site from my camera? Anyone know how or have and ideas on how I can identify my cacti?
yes I mean cacti thank you. what is google image? I'm not all that great with my computer skills yet!
I figured out how to put my pictures of my cacti on my thread. So here they are, can someone please help me on idenifying my cacti, so I can learn the right way on how to take care of them. Unless anyone else knows how to take care of them for me. Thanki You Very much Tilli51079.
1 is a variety of sempervivum - hens & chicks...also, it looks to be sending up bloom stalks - once it blooms, it dies. if there are any other 'chicks' there, they will continue to grow. that particular one looks like one i bought which is hardy in my area, zone 6. sorry, don't know the name. there are so, so many varieties, it's hard to identify them. 3 looks like a variety of kalanchoe. again, tons of varieties...
Number two is indeed a Haworthia--maybe fasciata or attenuata. Number 4 looks like Aloe haworthoides. At least this gives a couple more names to search! Number 3 might be one of the Kalanchoes.
#2 looks more like H. fasciata than attenuata to me. I'll back up #3 as a Kalanchoe, you can also search Bryophyllum for plants of the same genus. #4 really looks like Aloe haworthoides.
thanks lorax for the info! so far the #2 and #3 are right on the money from what I have looked up, i'm still searching for the other. But thanks alot! Tilli