Mom's plant bloomed last fall. Please help me discover what kind of plant it is! A common name would be helpful, too. Thank you! Please note that she had a couple of other plants on the shelf with the blooming plant...I included a picture of the foliage of this plant to prevent confusion.
Stapelia, probably S. gigantea by the bloom. I'm curious, because I have S. mutabilis. Does yours smell like carrion?
As with other houseplants this should only be placed outside when outdoor temperatures are similar to those inside. If she can't stand the smell of the flowers maybe this is not a plant for her anyway.
Thanks for the concern, Ron. The temp outside was similar to inside when she put the plant out. And the flowers faded quickly. She took it back inside when it became "non-stinky" again! She has had the plant for many years and this is the first time it ever bloomed!!!
Like some other flowering plants pollinated by flies the surface structure and odor of the bloom imitates that of a carcass.