the first might be a hoya - if it is, it's one of the less common type. the second is a euphorbia - sorry, don't know which variety. third is an orchid - maybe a phaelenopsis? not sure i spelled that right! no idea about number four. they're all nice an healthy!!
That first one has flowers that dont look like any hoya's that i have ever seen. The leaves look kinda like ......begonia to me? not sure. That last one is a doozie. The stem reminds me of a citrus but i think i'm off a bit, maybe a relative?
1. Looks like a begonia, an angle-wing type. 2. Euphorbia trigona (African Milk Tree) 3. Clivia 4 Maybe some kind of citrus, (not real sure) The leaves would smell like citrus if rubbed or torn if it was. but it's hard to tell just how big the leaves are in the picture.
Agree with Bluewing for the first 3, 1 being a tree type begonia and 3 being Clivia miniata , again not sure about number 4 Ed
#4 looks citrus-like, but Citrus have alternate leaves, this one has opposite. Not sure what it is though.
Thank you, for the input so far. So help figure out what plant #4 is, here are a few more pics of it. (Along with a walnut and a banana.)
It's much smaller than I expected.... Rice flower becomes much more likely at that size. Compare. I still can't shake the feeling that it's citrus, maybe citrange or citrumelo. The lack of thorns kind of precludes that, though.