This plant was given to me as a housewarming gift with unknown origins. Unfortunately it has been browning and yellowing quite a bit lately, leading me to believe that I am not caring for it properly. I need to know the plant-type and its watering/lighting necessities before this plant dies. Incase this picture won't suffice, the plant is about five feet tall, tropical in appearance, long, droopy leaves, stalks, and the view from atop reveals a tunnel-like formation into the stalks. Thank you all in advance for your expertise, as I am very much clueless.
that is a Corn Plant .. not sure what is happening with it .. but is it all rocks in that pot ??.. I would do away with them .. and check what the condition of the soil is under it .. here is a link to some info on this plant for care .. Marn
Thank you for the identification, it seems very similar but again I know very little about plants. I placed rocks in the soil to keep the household cats from digging/peeing in the soil. I tried to aerate the soil somewhat by carefully using a screwdriver to help tunnel, loosen the soil but being careful not to touch the roots. The problem with the plant is that every week I seem to have to cut or trim browning or yellowed foliage on the plant, I fear eventually there won't be any leaves left to cut or trim... I'll try to read up on the plant and see if I can't find out some more about what it requires. Thanks again for the ID, any suggestions for it are still welcomed!
I would mayb stop with the screw driver .. it could be the metals from it that could be effecting it .. you know like driveing a nail or spike into a tree and it will slowly kill it .. just make sure you are not over watering it also .. let it dry out some .. Marn