Plant grows upto six feet tall. The leaves are very thick and feel like laminated paper to the touch. Survives well under the fierce sun of South India. We grow them in 8-inch earthen pots and they can take a couple of days of no watering without wilting. Very hardy. Woody,thin stem and leaves are strriped green and yellow. Tall plant; no spread. Grows like a tall column. Never see any flowers. What family and genus?
Thanks. I needed some clue. I shall search on the net with the name you provided for any matching picture.
Right you are sir! Its D. Reflexa all right. Thanks. I have for identification another photo specimen of an aroid and probably an Anthurium though Ramustasia or Xanthosoma or other aroids cannot be counted out. The leaves are of a velvety texture and dark bottle green in colour. The spadix is exceedingly long. Unffortunately my co-gardener has snipped off all of them yesterday and so this morning i could shoot only one that is yet wrapped up within its spathe. Could you identify?
Looks similar to Anthurium crystallinum. You may get more responses if you were to post this plant in its own thread.
No need,sir. You have hit the nail right on the head this time too! Thanks. I checked on Wikipedia and the images are matching,especially an image with the long spadix in Dave's Garden.
You're welcome. I wonder if you might be able to help me out. Do you recognize the plant in the thread Identification: - Plant in Movie | UBC Botanical Garden Forums It is from an area of world closer to yours than mine.