The intention of this thread is to explore the possibility of controlling the stretching of maple buds regardless of the amount and type of fertilizer used, that is, we could use a high nitrogen content in spring, but controlling stretching. Instead of reducing the stretch by controlling the subscriber, I will use a cytokine, to increase the formation of buds, while reducing the stretching. This cytokine is 6-Benzylaminopurine, it is a first-generation synthetic cytokine that causes plant growth and development responses, establishing flowers and stimulating fruit richness by stimulating cell division. This cytokine that has a wide variety of effects. Accelerates cell growth and division, buds, flowering and branching. 6-benzylaminopurine increases the thickness of the stems, increases the surface of the leaf and the number of lateral branches. With a small amount of this substance it will cause the plant to branch out in a similar way to cut off the end of the branch without the damage that pruning would cause. Sounds good, huh? Let's continue with a summary. Benefits of Benzylaminopurine: - It is a first generation synthetic cytokine. - Causes plant growth and development responses. - You can force the plant to put flowers or budnodes. - It can stimulate the richness of the fruit by stimulating cell division. - It is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants. - Increases the post-harvest life of green vegetables. - Promotes elongation and cell division in plants. - Regulates differentiation in tissue culture. - It can reduce the chances of falling flowers and falling fruits. - Improves the ability of the plant to treat diseases. - Improves the growth of the germinating seed. - It can be used in foliar feeding applications or soaking. - Strengthens the immunity of a plant to tensions such as drought, salinity and cold. - It is an important element for plant growth and helps increase yield. Benzylaminopurine will increase plant growth, yolk formation and, at high doses, stop the stretching period and cause your plants to stop growing vertically and start producing the yolk almost immediately, and that is precisely what interests us most , stop growing vertically and start producing yolks. To be continue...
Let's see how to do it . For growth of secondary branches and shoots, 150 to 300ppm is needed to reduce the elongation of the stems and between 1000ppm and 3000ppm will cause the plant to spread. Each person needs to experiment a little to find out what works for their type of plant. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT LESS IS MORE. ( - is + ) Different plants respond to different concentrations. Some plants will respond to only 20 ppm. 6-BAP powders must dissolve before they can be used. To dissolve benzylaminopurine or 6-BAP, KOH is needed, this is potassium hydroxide or it is also called caustic potash, this is what is used to make potassium soap, someone will be familiar with it. They can also be diluted with isopropyl alcohol or acetone, but it is more difficult to dissolve. The amount to use is 1-1. Example: 2 grams of 6-BAP 2 grams of KHO. First we dissolve in 5 ml. of KHO distilled water and then add 2 grams of 6-BAP. Add distilled water to complete 100 ml of finished stock solution. The final product is 100 ml of 2% BAP (w / v). 5 ml added to a liter of water will give 100 ppm of BAP. 10ml will make 200ppm etc. Remember that 6-BAP is available on ebay and that with 5 or 10 grams we have more than enough, since very small quantities are needed to obtain great results. I put a table with the reference quantities for the calculation of PPM To be continue...
I'm going to continue... For the application of 6-BAP can be done in two ways one is the one discussed above, in a concentration of 1000 ppm, and pulverizing the leaves and stems, but since at this time it has no leaves, the method of preparation will be in paste. This pasta is called keiki and captus fans think they will know it. For that, they can buy it already made, or else we do it. To make keiki pasta, 6BAP and lanolin are used. To make it, we dissolve 1 gram of 6-BAP in a little KOH or isopropyl alcohol, and then mix it with 1 Kg of hot lanolin, stirring for about 15 minutes. To dissolve 1 gram 6-Bap with isopropyl alcohol, we must add a few drops of soap from the dishes. As I do not have lanolin and dissolve it with KOH, I mix it with olive oil, with which creamy soap is formed. In practice, about 1 gram is very large, and for a single maple I will use 3 mg. of 6-BAP and 3 grams of oil, in total with the KOH about 4 or 5 grams of pasta. With the keiki pasta made or purchased, I will paint the trunk. And wait for the results. This is acer palmatum, with the paste applied.
Cell elongation and division are affected by auxin. Auxin also suppresses bud release. Cytokinin releases buds and is an auxin antagonist, meaning simply that it suppresses auxin effects, notably it inhibits shoot elongation. I do not understand what kind of a result is expected/anticipated.
The result will be seen within a few days as soon as it starts to sprout. I think that it can sprout with a reduction of the elongation of the stems and with a sprouting of the secondary buds, a form of artificial witch broom? I do not know, it may not have any effect, also that sprouts dormant buds on the trunk. As soon as it sprouts we will see the result. Nor do I know, if the quantity and application used is correct, or if the 6-bap application must be repeated, too many unknowns, which will be resolved little by little as maple sprouting progresses.
Hi, Here is the update of the progress of this maple. First of all I want to comment that the maple is a palmatum maple, normal green. Two things are surprising me, one is that it is sprouting red, when in a few years that I have been with the maple, it has always sprouted with a slight red in the new shoots but only a day or two and then always green, however as You can see in the photos it looks like a red maple, I have several cuttings of the same tree and they are green, I don't know if there has been a hormonal change, or some kind of substance that the plant has developed by 6-BAP. The second is the short distance between the knots, this when it grows will look better, but that this maple has always had a distance between knots as 5 times more than what I am seeing, although it is still soon. I put the two photos that I have taken.
Higher doses of BA are known to induce anthocyanins, even in fir. Anthocyanins in maples typically cause a red coloration that is temporary in green varieties and 'permanent' in red ones, but can even cause purple colorations. It will be interesting to see if this BA-induced reddening is temporary or lasts for the life of these leafs. I would expect second flush leaves will be normally colored in either case.
Hopefully they remain red, but I think that as soon as time goes by the BAP will be weakening and the leaves will turn green, anyway you could use the BAP so that the red color lasts much longer in the red acer, you will have to try Spraying small amounts of BAP keeps the red during the summer, I think there is a lot to experience. When a few days pass I will post photos to follow the evolution of this.
I am curious if your BA paste can also release interior buds at nodes below (toward the roots) those with leaves, after these leaves have hardened.
I think that some buds should be born in the lower part. have how it evolves. I have to say that the color of the leaves is impressive and they look very robust.
that's how they go. Conclusions. I think it has grown almost 3 times more than normal, and from an old trunk that barely had shoots, many have come out, the leaves have grown 30% larger, compared to what had grown in previous years, and the color is unbeatable I think I should have sprayed BAP every 10 days, pending for next time.