Bonjour! Today is very sunny. I looked at the beloved trees in my backyard and I see something new: a plastic pink ribbon on one of the branches facing the back of the tree. It is a tall and beautifull cedar that keeps my privacy from a newly expended cimetery. There is also a stick on the side of the tree with also a pink ribbon and an inverted PL written on top of it. I have been living in that place for only 10 months. It is a townhouse managed by a strata. Does any of you have an idea of what is going on here and if I should be worried of these pink ribbons? Merci for your help! Henzee
Hello! I have personally never heard of plastic pink ribbons on trees and if they are there for anything. I think your best option would be just to ask the management of where you live for more information. Have a good day!
Call your homeowners assoc, call the cemetary, then if no answer, call the city tree maintenance division. Around here, Anacortes, that can mean they plan to trim it back and believe me none of them know "squat" about tree triming. They usually just start whacking away. I don't mean to worry you, but do check it out! barb
Merci! I contacted the Strata manager, but no answer yet. I also contacted the Strata member responsible for landscaping and no answer. I hope that I will not have a big surprise coming home one day... D
Happens around here all the time. Folks come home to find their big old trees chopped down---or, what may be even worse, "pruned" so that the trees are condemned to slow death. The electric co. is notorious for this action. Why can't arborists be hired if this is truly necessary? Would save money in the long run: the trees would remain healthy, and correct pruning means that new branches would be strong and far less likely to snap off and take down power lines. Jeez Loueeze...I feel like bursting into tears, or punching someone out---or both, simultaneously---when I drive past a row of once-beautiful trees that now are disfigured, maimed stumps. Of course trees have to be pruned! I understand this, and I like my electricity to stay ON just as much as anyone else. BUT: there is a right way to do this, and what's being done ain't it. Henzee, I sincerely hope that the pink ribbon turns out to be mere innocuous decoration...but if not, that your trees will be treated with the respect that they deserve. Good Luck!