Hi, We have a tiered slope made up of wood ties and are trying to figure out a way to protect the wood though landscaping. Right now we have cedar hedge trees there, however, they block the view, look straggly, and don't protect the retaining wall wood well. The neighbours use ivy, however, it gets everywhere and doesn't look great. We were thinking of using some other type of ground cover to grow down over the wood tie retaining wall with larger plants on each tier that can be pruned to stay at 6' high (red elderberry perhaps ...or rhododendrons). if we can use plants that produce edible fruit or vegetables that would be a huge bonus. We had a professional do part of the slope but haven't been happy with the results ...the ground cover plants don't grow down over the retaining wall sections thus offering little protection. Any suggestions? The tiered slope is south and west facing on the side of a hill so it gets lots of sunlight in the summer. ....it would probably be perfect for growing coffee if it wasn't for our cold climate. The backyard (level yard) is at the top of the tiered slope, then 6' down to the first tier (4' wide), 6' down to the next tier (5' wide), and 4' down to another 10' of yard (this yard space is unused so could be filled with plants). The whole thing is about 60' long. Thanks for any suggestions you have :-)