Is it too early yet to plant out new hostas? It seems a bit on the chilly side right now. Thanks, Newbee
It's fine to plant out new hostas now - there's enough rain still so you won't have to water them in.
Hostas are NOT temperature sensitive in this area. You can (and I have) leave them dug out and lying on top of the soil all winter and they will be fine.
Most are very hardy and grown in much colder climates than here. With our cool summers we can even grow many of them in full or nearly full sun (in watered gardens). The main problem is slug damage. Since they disappear for the winter another to thing to watch is that you don't step on them, their crowns are right at the surface.
I like to plant them in pots, too, until they start to show and then put them in the garden. I find otherwise the babies are too easy to lose!