Planting a "low-allergen" garden

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by DoryC, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. DoryC

    DoryC Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    Hello everyone. I'm a first-time home-owner (and complete novice in the garden) and I'm also an editor at a magazine for people with food and environmental allergies. My purpose for joining this board is twofold: first, I have no clue how to go about planning and executing my own garden, so I hope to get lots of advice! and secondly, I'm looking for information on what plants are good for people with allergies to tree, grass and flower pollen. I'm working on a story about how to plant a "low-allergen" garden, and I would greatly appreciate any input on this topic. If anyone at UBC is available for an interview about this, I'd also love to hear from you.

    I know there is a book out there by Lucy Huntington, but she's UK, and I'm hoping to get a more local perspective on things, as I'm sure plant species are different in North America (but as I said, I know nothing about gardening, so I could be wrong!).

  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Hello and welcome Dory,

    I've posted your request to our internal email list - unfortunately (depending on your timeline), most of the UBC people who would be suitable for an interview on the topic are off for the holidays (I wouldn't be useful), so may or may not be available until January.

    There are non-UBC people on these forums who would be more than suitable, but I'll let them pipe up if they are interested.

    I've also enabled private messaging for you (instead of having to wait 5 days + 5 posts) as I imagine some people will want to contact you privately.

    Looking forward to seeing you on the forums.
  3. DoryC

    DoryC Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    Wow, thanks for the speedy response, Daniel.

    My deadline isn't too treacherous. As long as I have my research done by mid-January, all will be well.

    Thanks again!

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