I'm looking for suggestions of specific plants, as well as any advice in how to modify the care in order to add a couple of plants to a barren office space. It is underground, so no natural light, but has 24 hour fluorescent lighting, mostly full spectrum with egg crate diffusers. temperature ranges between 24-28C. Humidity is kept around 50% (computer equipment). So far the Mother-in-Law's Tongue seems a likely candidate, but I'm not sure if it or any plant will survive the constant light, or how to help it do so. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior You're describing Plant Hell, so expect to buy some, watch them live or die, and try some others. Some you will like, some you won't.
I had a yucca and a dracaena many years ago when I worked in an office with lights on all night. I think I had them for many years, took them home when I retired.
I'm in much the same situation. I have windows, but I'm in the middle of the office, so it doesn't matter. ;-) I'm growing 15 ferns, 2 palms, a cycad, and a birch seedling...
Low light plants in general will do better if you have only 24 hr office lights. Cast iron plant, MIL tongue, and ferns were mentioned. I would also try a Janet Criag Dracaena. Maybe even a cheap red Anthurium, those always do well in an office if you never let them dry out. Spider plant, Aglaonema, etc. If you want to give them a boost and a little relief from the 24-hr problem, you can add a cheap floor lamp to your cubicle with a couple of 100-watt-equivalent LED bulbs pointed at your plants on a timer. This will give them a little bit of a diurnal cycle.
Try a ZZ plant, they tolerate artificial light environment, even pachira or money tree plant and dracaenas and some ficus, like the rubber tree plants.