plant strawberries in home garden (vancouver)

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by a2008, May 27, 2012.

  1. a2008

    a2008 Member

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    Hi !

    I want to plant some strawberry (plants not seed) in my home garden ! I went to Rona but i didn't know what kind of strawberry and Fertilizer should i bought!! I want to know that what kind of strawberry should i plant ?! I heard that there are many varieties! Also for greenhouse and home garden is different?

    Vancouver's weather is good for growing strawberry?

    I would appreciate if someone give me information about planting strawberry (Fertilizer ,varieties , how to plant ,etc)!
  2. David Payne Terra Nova

    David Payne Terra Nova Active Member

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    Port Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
    I suggest you purchase "everbearing strawberries"

    Their planting and care directions are included with them.

    I have my strawberries outside and also some in the greenhouse. They are four or five years old.
    I fertilize with a general slow release prill type fertilizer for hanging baskets and top dress with compost in the spring. All is good.
  3. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    For a good crop that continues from late spring until cold, wet weather arrives, I recommend the Tristar day neutral everbearing variety. It is a reliable producer of medium size, tasty berries. My only complaint is that it produces too many flowers, resulting in smaller and smaller berries as the season progresses. This can be dealt with by removing most of the blossoms, but that means extra work. I'm still working on this, but it might just be a soil problem that won't affect you.

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