I have attached a photo of my palm, I'm not sure of the specific type, can anyone help me? All the leaves have recently been going yellow and black and the stems seem rotten?? Do you have any suggestions on how I could rescue my plant??
Ok first up its not a palm. It is Dracaena fragrans. Second, it could be overwatering, what is your watering regime? It doesn't seem to be effecting the main crown Ed
Thanks for the clarification, I was told it was a palm. I water it about once a week when the soil feels dry? Should I be doing it less often?
I have the same plant with what looks to be the same issues except my leaves were turning brown. I have just cut off the dead spots. It looks a lot better now, but Im afraid that the problems still exist. Please let me know if you find a solution... bassettbrandi2@gmail.com. Thanks & good luck~!