hey all i am new to this so please bare with me.....i would be forever grateful if someone out there could help me find the name or info on this plant......i have searched everywhere and keep coming up empty.... i have had it about 5 years it started as a seed, so far it is about 2 feet high, the leaves drop off the bottom when they are dead and the stem seems to be growing square as they drop, with tiny hairs that seem to have a sticky sap on them....as the white little flowers dry they LITERALLY SPIT the tiny black hard seeds across the room...ive grown many seedlings from this plant and there are more on the way....it loves the sun and likes to dry out between waterings.....please please anyone help me find out what it is! thank you sharon
thank you so much.....i love this plant and wanted to make sure it gets the same love i give all my other 35 plant species gets! thanks again!