Can someone tell me what the problem is with these plants. The peace lilly I now water more often because I thought that was the problem, doesn't seem to matter, the leaves still look the same. They constantly put out new growth, so I know they are not dying. The chinese evergreen didn't do anything for about one year, recently it fianlly put out two new leaves, but I have notice this little mark on some of the leaves.
not enough water. the peace lily soil should be kept consistently moist. not full-on soggy, just moist. should never completely dry out. when the leaves start to wilt a bit is when it's time to water again. also, the soil should be a mix of regular soil mixed with a bit of orchid soil - not quite half/half and go heavier on the regular soil. the ch. evergreen needs to dry out before rewatering. that spot looks like you let the soil stay dry for too long. that one should be in cactus soil. both should be in pots with drainholes - i usually water mine from below (they're still pretty small so it's not that difficult). i place the pot in a sided dish or bowl and fill that with water. once the water is soaked up into the soil, i add more water and continue until the top of the soil in the pot is moist. then i let the excess water drain out of the pot.
ooops! forgot about that!! also forgot to say to use room-temp water, too!! i always keep gallon jugs of water handy - one, so the water can sit so the chlorine will dissipate and two so the water is at room temp... if you have a water softener system, you need to use a tap that is placed before the softener tank or use bottled water if you can't do that. the extra salts use to treat the water to make it softer are very bad for plants.
Jocylyn is right on, but there is one more thing to consider. What type of soil are these planted in? Both are aroids and as a group these plants prefer very fast draining soil. If you used off the shelf potting soil it is likely staying too wet down beneath the surface. Aroid soil needs to be amended with something like Perlite and/or orchid potting bark with charcoal and gravel to keep it loose and free flowing. I'd suggest you dig a few inches into the soil and see if it is damp or muddy. If muddy, you'll likely have to change the soil. The Peace Lily does not like to have its roots in really wet soil.
Joclyn, Photopro, Thank you. I will look into mixing the soil as you both recommended. The Peace lilly gets enough water so it must be the soil causing the problem. I let the evergreen dry out before I water so again, it may be the soil. As for the water, It is usually sitting for a few days and I don't have a water system. Again, everything points to the soil. Great advice.