Can anyone identify the plant in the screenshots from a movie? The movie was filmed in Thailand and had dialog in the local language. According to the English subtitles the plant's common name is "Love At First Sight". I'd like to know whether this name is real, fictitious, or incorrectly translated?
Hedychium longicornutum? Dunno about the common name. This sobriquet might instead refer to the young lady's obvious affection for the plant!
The flowers are similar but the ones in the movie are produced on an inflorescence. The plant itself looks to be woody, unlike Hedychium. Actually the name accurately describes her affection for the person who gave her the plant. During the exchange of the plant she mistook the name for the feelings of that person until it was explained to her.
Thanks for checking it out. It was worth a try. Just thought the plant might be endemic in your area as well.