I was given seeds for this plant a few years ago and always managed to grow new plants from seeds collected previous years. However I did not grow any last year and this year have been unable to grow from seeds saved from 2007. I was told the common name( in Northern Ireland) is "Pole Plant". Plants flower on hollow stems and flower from bottom upwards. As flowering dies off seed pods develop and then pop. Photo attached. Hoping someone can help me on this Many Thanks in anticipation!
This plant will become a weed if you let its seeds outside, i grew some last year and now they are everywhere.
I don't think I will get these seeds to germinate indoors OR outdoors! I do think first reply of Impatiens Balsamina is correct. I found this site through Google and had been trying for a while to get botanical name so much appreciated.
Old seeds sometimes just do not germinate, and some seeds (if bought from a store pre-packaged) are altered to not allow the plant to produce viable seeds.