Can someone please help me figure out what type of plant this is (image attached)??? Common name, species, etc. would be helpful. I just purchased it a few weeks ago from an auction at my office, and I am not sure how to care for it. Since I've brought it into my home, it has started turning brown. It may be that it has to adjust to its new setting, but it would be helpful if I knew the care specifics. Thanks!
yours looks like the compact form of this one but yours is an exception and seems to be alot taller .. then this one Marn
Yes, it does seem similar to that type of plant. Is it also called a corn plant? However, I believe there is a difference in the leaves. The leaves on my plant don't fall over, they curl upwards. Even with this difference could it be the same plant?
If the leaves curl upwards your plant may be a Cordyline which is related to the Dracaenas. Could you send another photo showing a closeup of the leaves.
Here is the close up of the leaves. Notice, they are turning yellow and brown towards the bottom of the stalk.
we have them in the mall here i think. im pretty sure its called draceana dermensis. but what sub species i dont knwo really.. its liek the "lemon lime" but with out the white stripes on theleaves
You have a draceana dermensis "janet craig" "compacta", a pretty long name for a plant. It will grow in low light and the lower leves will turn yellow/brown and fall off in time because it develops a woody trunk. the leaves on your is probably a humidity and watering problem, i find that if they are let to dry out between waterings they tend to have less brown leaves, also you can try misting it, or setting it on a tray of pebbles and water. Just cut off the damaged leaves and it should be fine.