I have a pine tree in my front yard and it is terrible the pine needles are killing my lawn. I rake constantly, I have put lime down, fertilized and reseeded many times but it seems I can never keep a lawn. Help andy suggestions would be appreciated.
Take out the lawn in that area and replace with something more suitable, like groundcover plants, mulch or even paving stones (installed in such a way so as to not adversely impact the tree).
The pine needles shouldn't be killing the lawn if you're raking, but the pine tree is. Shade & dry ground under a tree will kill a lawn in short order unless you're irrigating with copious amounts of water (in relatively dry Edmonton). Pine straw (needles) is a very good weed smothering mulch and will do the same to grass. If you left them on the lawn and concentrated them to the most hopless area of the lawn, you'd have an attractively mulched area.